Page Title, h1: reStructuredText Primer text template

That has a paragraph about a main subject and is set when the ‘=’ is at least the same length of the title itself.

This is a Page Title

Subhead, h2

This is a Subhead, h2 Title

Subtitles are set with ‘-‘ and are required to have the same length of the subttitle itself, just like titles.

Lists can be unnumbered like:

  • Item Foo
  • Item Bar

Or automatically numbered:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2

Subhead, h3

This is a Subhead, h3 Title

Words can have emphasis in italics or be bold and you can define code samples with back quotes, like when you talk about a command: sudo gives you super user powers!

This is the preferred form on how to link images:

Artificial Intelligence Brain page.

Figure 1: Artificial intelligence brain.

This is another form to link images:

Header1 Header2 Header3
A B These lines appear as one line, even though they are written in two lines.
C D This is normal text. this is inline stuff that is very long and may wrap on multiple lines of text in a table cell, and it could look OK This is normal text again.